The next Marton Parish Council meeting will be held on Tuesday 11 January at 19.30 at Marton Memorial Hall, Church Street, Marton. It will adhere to current Covid-19 Government guidelines.
All are welcome to attend, please find the agenda link above.
Marton’s extra recycling scheme is about to launch!
Did you know medicine blister packets, toothpaste tubes and make-up containers can be recycled with specialist processing? They can’t go into Rugby’s normal recycling bins and instead go to landfill, where decomposing takes a minimum of 450 years (and much, much longer for some plastics).
So, a few residents have volunteered to start a scheme collecting this hard-to-recycle waste. The parish council has supported the idea, using part of an environmental improvement grant from Severn Trent to buy a bin store and signage. Collection containers will soon be in the store, located alongside the playground fence, so please don’t throw the following into landfill:
• Used medicine/vitamin blister packs (remove personal data and any remaining medication) • Toothbrushes & toothpaste tubes (including packaging and electric brush tops) • Make-up containers (any brand) • Foil balloons and banners (including packaging)
A village email will confirm when the containers are ready for you to drop off all collected items. In the meantime, if you’re interested in being involved in any way please contact us through the newsletter or website. We’d specifically like help with the following and are also keen to hear new ideas you might have for helping:
Donations of weather-proof lidded collection containers
Volunteers who regularly/occasionally go to Tesco Warwick or Clifton Primary School
If we get a few more volunteers the scheme can grow to save more items from landfill, like hand-wash pumps and laundry packaging.
There are also some hard-to-recycle schemes you can do at home, by sending for prepaid envelopes. These have been suggested or used by residents (so are not affiliated to the village in any way). More can be added if you hear of other useful schemes:
Item to recycle (A-Z)
Where to order envelopes
Coffee pods (aluminium) or
Thanks to David Fry for giving Part 2 of the talk on “A Short Guide to Marton’s History”. This part covered the remainder of the main road, Birdingbury Road and North Street and there was quite a lot of useful audience input along the way.
The next meeting will be on Monday 31st January, 7.30pm in the village hall, when Part 3 the talk will be given, starting from where Part 2 ended. (Note: as usual, there is no December meeting).
As usual,all are welcome, entrance fee £3, including a glass of wine or soft drink.
In October there was a talk entitled “Know Your Marton” (Part 1) given by David Fry (pictured). After information about the historical significance of Marton’s location, the talk took us through a photographic history of the buildings from the bridge over the Leam, passed the old garage, blacksmiths and Black Horse, to one of Marton’s many old Post Offices.
The November talk “Know Your Marton” (Part 2), will pick up from where Part 1 ended. This will be given at 7.30 pm on Monday November 29th in the village hall.
As usual,all are welcome, entrance fee £3, including a glass of wine or soft drink.
Members of the Pig Club gathered at the field last Saturday, 6th November, to start the preparation of the field for the next piggy intake. Thank you so much to those who were able to join us. You have made a huge difference already – see the before and after comparison photos below. There are also other photos of the field as made ready now.
Refreshments, including special home-made cakes and biscuits, were served.
The next stage will be repairing the perimeter fence, and the pig shelter. Please look out for an invitation to join the next working party! We will arrange this before winter sets in, so that the ground is still soft enough to work with.
Thanks to Judy Frodsham for the photo of the piggy cakes. Other photos by Marton Pig Club organisers.
Didn’t quite get the panorama origins the same, but you get the idea! Spot the trailer in the undergrowth!
Pig field areas cleared of brambles and grasses. The food store was also thoroughly checked for security to prevent the unwanted attention of rodent guests! Thanks to Mark from Pestforce.
Some fenceposts along this line will need replacing in the next working party.
The Group meetings are back after its Covid shutdown. For the time being events will be announced month-by-month but will generally be held on the last Monday of each month until April, excluding December. The new season opens on Monday 25th October at 7.30pm in the village hall.At this meeting there will be a talk entitled “Know Your Marton” (Part 1) given by Group members. The talk will use Images, mainly more than a century old, to highlight what we know of the built environment and some of the characters who lived here. Part 1 will cover the main road..
As usual, all are welcome,entrance fee £3, including a glass of wine.
Marton Pig Club will be back soon! We anticipate starting the new rearing season in the Spring of 2022. Under new stewardship, we are currently looking for expressions of interest from those wishing to take part. If you haven’t already done so, please send your name and email address to sausages.marton -at-
We will be making a presentation in the Village Hall on Friday 15th October, starting at 7:00pm. All villagers will be welcome. Come along and find out how the club will be organised and run, including cost per pig, how that cost is determined and how the income will be spent. You will be able to ask questions which you may have and, for new members, meet folks who have taken part in previous pig club seasons and hear their experiences.
The bar will be open, for you to purchase your choice of refreshment!
Finally, don’t forget the vote for the name of the new Piggy Baton! Send your suggestions to sausages.marton -at- gmail.combefore the village hall evening. On the night, cast your vote from the full list of suggestions. No prizes for the winner except the honour of having named the Piggy Baton!
Marton Parish Council meeting on Tuesday 14th September at 19.30. The meeting will take place at Marton Memorial Hall, Church Street, Marton and adhere to current Covid-19 Government guidelines.
All are welcome to attend and please find the agenda HERE
All home fixtures are at Marton Playing fields, do come along enjoy an afternoon tea with your friends and family and support your local village cricket club, you will be made most welcome, look forward to seeing you there.
For more information about our fixtures and the club visit our website.