Marton Parish Council was established, along with other parish councils, in 1894 as the lowest rung of local government. It is made up of five local volunteers and one clerk, who operate for the benefit of the village and its residents.
Current Marton Parish Council members are:
- Cllr Faye Chambers (chair)
- Cllr Rob Lummis (vice chair)
- Cllr Sarah Heath
- Cllr David Fry
- Cllr Mike Taylor
- Louise Hollings (Clerk)
Everyone welcome
The council meets bi-monthly, usually on the second Tuesday of the month at 7.30pm in Marton Village Hall. Everyone is welcome and the first part of each meeting is open for the public to raise any concerns or ideas for village improvements.
The council owns the Marton Playing Field, its museum building and sports pavilion, which is managed by a sub-committee of volunteers. Marton Village Hall and the contents of Marton Museum of Country Bygones are owned by separate charitable trusts.
The parish council can be contacted through the clerk on and issues outside parish council responsibilities can also be reported directly to the following:
Rugby Borough Council:
Tel. 01788 533 533
Warwickshire County Council: Tel. 01926 412515
Marton Village website: