Marton Village, Warwickshire

Local History Group: November 2021 Update

In October there was a talk entitled “Know Your Marton” (Part 1) given by David Fry (pictured). After information about the historical significance of Marton’s location, the talk took us through a photographic history of the buildings from the bridge over the Leam, passed the old garage, blacksmiths and Black Horse, to one of Marton’s many old Post Offices.

The November talk “Know Your Marton” (Part 2), will pick up from where Part 1 ended. This will be given at 7.30 pm on Monday November 29th in the village hall.

As usual, all are welcome, entrance fee £3, including a glass of wine or soft drink.

Pig Club v2

Field Preparation (1)

Members of the Pig Club gathered at the field last Saturday, 6th November, to start the preparation of the field for the next piggy intake. Thank you so much to those who were able to join us. You have made a huge difference already – see the before and after comparison photos below. There are also other photos of the field as made ready now.

Refreshments, including special home-made cakes and biscuits, were served.

The next stage will be repairing the perimeter fence, and the pig shelter. Please look out for an invitation to join the next working party! We will arrange this before winter sets in, so that the ground is still soft enough to work with. 

Thanks to Judy Frodsham for the photo of the piggy cakes. Other photos by Marton Pig Club organisers.

Didn’t quite get the panorama origins the same, but you get the idea! Spot the trailer in the undergrowth!

Some fenceposts along this line will need replacing in the next working party.