I am writing to let you know that Tim and I will soon be saying goodbye and leaving the Long Itchington Vicarage. It has been my joy and privilege to work and walk alongside the two villages as the ‘Priest-in-Charge’ of both Holy Trinity and St Esprit Churches since 8th January 2018. However, following a cancer diagnosis in February of last year, I am retiring early on ill-health grounds on the 28th February 2021 and we will be moving back to the Fylde Coast, Lancashire, to be near family.
Memories of time spent with the LI Primary School and pre-school families, Bizzy Tots, the Long Itchington WI, the Scouting and Guiding uniform groups, WARMLI (& the dedication of the village war memorial), the Memorial Hall in Marton, Carnival and Sports Days in the villages, time enjoyed at the local village pubs and restaurants, along with all the time we spent together in a church context, will be remembered and treasured.
Both Tim and I have thoroughly enjoyed village life, but with my continuing health problems, we feel that we now need to take a step back and spend our time with family, making new and treasured memories, especially with our three grandchildren.
I am hoping to zoom in to the online church service on Sunday 28th February, which I feel, will enable me to say a fond farewell, with the promise that once the vaccinations are completed, the lockdown and restrictions lifted, Tim and I will be able to come back for a visit and say our goodbyes in person.
As we cannot meet the social distancing / safety guidelines in our small church we regret that the church building must still remain closed. Please contact either of the churchwardens with any queries or requests for pastoral support.
As we move towards becoming an Eco-Church, we will be using Marton Village email, our St Esprit Marton Facebook page and our noticeboards for church notices and information about services, if anyone would like information through their letterbox, please get in touch.
Revd Rob Rogers continues to support us with two on line services of Holy Communion each month and a talk for our service on the third Sunday of the month. We also share deanery resources with worship, prayers and reflections on other Sundays.
Please contact Joe Walsh if you wish to be included on our Church mailing list (email or posted) t:01926 632547, m:07399 480966 e:joe.a.walsh@btinternet.com
You will see from her letter that Revd Jane and Tim are moving to the Fylde Coast at the end of this month as Jane begins her retirement. She is hoping to join us via Zoom for our Benefice service of Holy Communion at 9:15am on Sunday 28 February, please get in touch if you want to join.
We are hoping that we will have an opportunity later in the year for Jane to visit us in person for a celebration of her ministry in Long Itchington and Marton.