Marton Village, Warwickshire

Local History Group: October 2019 Update

The new season opens on Monday 28th October at 7.30pm in the village hall. At this meeting there will be a talk about the Church’s zinc sign restoration, given by the restorer. As usual, all are welcome, entrance fee £3, including a glass of wine.

The full programme for the season can be seen on this page.

Mobile Police Station

PCSO David Banks – Mobile Police Station

The Rugby Rural South/Central Safer Neighbourhood Team will be dropping into Marton on the dates/times below. If you have any issues or concerns, please pop down and see your local officer PCSO David Banks.

Monday 21st October 2019
13:00 – 13:45hrs (Church Street, Marton)

Saturday 23rd November 2019
13:00 – 13:45hrs (Church Street, Marton)

Marton Parish Council Accounts and Governance 2018/19