Marton Village, Warwickshire

Local History Group: April 2017 Update

In March Sheila Woolf (pictured) gave the Group a talk about Cordelia Leigh. A summary of this talk is given below.

The next meeting is on 24th April at 7.30pm in the village hall. This is the AGM at which plans for the next season will be discussed. This will be followed by a talk by Group members about the Marton village building plans between 1900 and 1940, giving an insight to how the village developed during this period. All welcome, entrance is free and still includes a glass of wine!

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Local History Group: March 2017 Update


In February Julie Chamberlain (pictured) gave the Group a talk about Marton in 18th C via wills and inventories. A summary of this talk can be found at this link.

The next meeting is on 27th March at 7.30pm in the village hall, when a talk will be given by Sheila Woolf about Cordelia Leigh.

All welcome, entrance fee £3 includes a glass of wine.